At Prestige Pop-up Sprinklers, having an underground lawn sprinkler system enhances your Life Style. On the surface it just looks like lush green lawns without an hassle. Underground its just a busy bunch of pipe and parts that move water to ensure your lawn is hydrated in the most efficent manner. Life Style wise it allow you freedom from having to do the work and freedom to do what you want.

In our Christmas Life Style Idea series we will feature a product or service of a local business. These Ideas will help you enhance your Life, and those who you love and care for. We are hoping it might give you some great gift ideas!

Snow Clearing is a service that will keep you sitting warm beside the fireplace in your home. Share the joy with your mother, father, or friends. Purchase Snow Clearing as a gift for the month of January and we will enhance your gift by giving free clearing from December 27 to December 31st, to maximize your holiday time. All packages include a stylish gift card for your loved ones.

Description Cost
Walkway & City Sidewalk $165.00 / month
Single Car Driveway, Walkway, & City Sidewalk $180.00 / month
Double Car Driveway & Walkway $ 215.00 / month
Double Car Driveway, Walkway, and City Sidewalk $ 225.00 / month
Corner Lots Add $15.00 / month
  • For this offer, single month contracts are available. No multi-month committment required.

Call the office at 403-250-8464 to order your snow clearing gift service.